Just one more reason that makes Budapest a great place to visit for a dental implant is a recent development. UNESCO has been working on a project for a long time now. The project is called Creative Cities Network, and it has as its aim the formation of a network of cities that are particularly active in the creative fields, and have an economy that is driven by the sectors that are producing or making use of creative content. Thanks to the world famous Design Terminal, Budapest is now on this list! Other cities from this list include Berlin, Melbourne, Tokyo, or Shanghai.
The Design Terminal
The Design Terminal is a shop, boutique and café that house many different kinds of people who deal with design and with creative aspects of work. Some of them are architects and make statues and facades, some of them are jewellers and clothing specialists, and still others come from a variety of different trades and backgrounds, all the way to marketing and design people. They have a shop and exhibition space, which is always full of cool stuff. Budapest was named the Design Capital of Central Europe, thanks to them and it was them who got in touch with the Creative Cities Network, in order to get Hungary on the map for creative.
Being part of the Creative Cities Network obviously comes with a lot of benefits. Creative people from all over the world will now see and know of Budapest, and know that this is a place that they can look to for their craft, which is a good thing. It also allows the creative folks of Budapest, like the ones exhibiting and working with the Design Terminal to showcase their arts and get it across borders, and for investors and art market buyers to see and purchase their wares.
It truly is a great honour to be among the first Eastern European cities to be on this list, and to receive international recognition for a something good, dispelling the view that is popular in the media of Eastern European countries of being backwards and full of social problems.
Special dental offer for those who decide to travel and would like to stay in Budapest!
The offer is valid until 31st of December, 2019.