Some streets get all the action. Each city has its famous streets that define the city and give it its character. Be it food and dining, fun and games, sports, entertainment and nightlife, or the home of a monument, there are must see streets, without which visiting a city is just not the same. Budapest is no exception, and some of the streets are as old as the hills, and some have just recently gotten their new face, but most of them have had their status for at least 200 years. Here is a list of the streets that make Budapest what it is.

Andrássy út
Somewhat erroneously called the Broadway of Budapest, this is definitely the poshest, richest and fanciest street in the entire city. Connecting Deák tér, the hub of the city and Hősök tere, one of the most beautiful monuments, this street is nothing short of glamorous the entire way. Decorated with wrought iron lamps and some of the most beautiful art deco buildings in the world, make sure you see this 4 lane street and why not dine at one of the many great restaurants that can be found here?
Váci utca
Not to be confused with Váci út, this street is the shopping street of Budapest, with many shops and most of the premium shops in the city found right here. The oldest and most prestigious craftspeople and shops sell their wares, and the street itself looks like someone stopped time in the early 1900s, and covered everything with churches and gild. Some beautiful architectural and statue work to be seen here, too.
Király utca
King Street, the main street of the party district, with the most bars and pubs on it. This street has a beautiful church, very typical buildings with enormous courtyards and more than one entrance, a long and varied length, and the glory of being called the nightlife capital of Budapest. The Gozsdu udvar, with its many tiny cafés, restaurants and clubs, the many wonderful side streets and the pubs, pubs, pubs make this one of the most favoured streets of Budapest.
Kazinczy utca
A wonderful little street that is a symbol of Budapest. This street is like a microcosm of Budapest, with all of the things that make this place great right on it and it is home to some of the most popular ruin bars, making it a very famous street indeed.
Dohány utca
The home street of the largest synagogue in Europe, and home to all sorts of Jewish life and culture, this street is a world of its own, and thus must be seen. Also located between the 6th and 7th districts, it is an important street for the cultural life of Budapest for many reasons, and not just religious ones. Also home to the biggest comic book shop in the city.
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