Dental Implant Placement 1

Many people on the internet have asked if dental implants can replace any teeth, and the answer is of course, yes. Many others also inquired as to whether dental implants are the best solution to tooth replacement in all circumstances. The answer to that is a little bit more complicated, but all other factors notwithstanding, dental implantation is the best solution to restore healthy chewing function because t is the only tooth replacement method that stops further tooth loss. The alveolus starts to disintegrate after an adult tooth is lost, leading to more tooth loss, and a dental implant stops the alveolus form disintegrating.


What you should know about dental implantation

Although all teeth can be replaced with a dental implant, there are a few things you should know before opting to get the surgery.

- Dental implantation is an invasive surgery in which small titanium implants are drilled into the jawbone. The procedure happens under anaesthetic and is thus completely painless, but you may need to take painkillers for a few days after the procedure.

- Many systemic diseases, such as haemophilia and diabetes make dental implantation very complicated or downright impossible depending on the extent of the disease. For more information, talk to your dentist about your illness.


- Because dental implants are an elective surgery, you have plenty of time to plan the exact date and time with your dentist. It is important to plan ahead of time, because this will maximize your chances of success.
- Your bones have to be healthy and dense enough to be able to handle implantation. Bone augmentation treatments are available, and a short consultation with your dental implantologist should be enough to determine if you can be implanted or not.

- You need to make sure that you have healthy conditions in your mouth, and that you are not suffering from tooth decay, periodontitis or any other problems. It is best to get all other dental procedures taken care of prior to implantation, and to undergo a hygiene session as well. This will make sure that no infections occur during the healing period, when your mouth will be in a weaker state than it usually is.

- Always read the consent form prior to undergoing any sort of medical treatment. This is the only way to make sure that you are giving informed consent. If any parts of the form are incomplete or unclear, make sure you mention it to your dentist, and talk it over.

Price: Free

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The offer is valid until 31st of December, 2019.

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