For those patients who wear dentures, you will be very familiar with the problems that dentures can cause: denture sores, embarrassing problems like the dentures falling out, speech impediments, dry mouth and a whole host of other problems can appear if the dentures do not fit properly and are not entirely stable. Not to mention the fact that going back and getting your bite plate readjusted every time a tiny little thing changes in your mouth is also extremely time and resource consuming.
How can dental implant supported overdentures make your life easier?
These problems can all be fixed by getting your dentures stabilised with dental implants - so, by having implant supported overdentures.
Dental implant supported overdentures can be removable or fixed, and only move when you want them to, do not touch the roof of your mouth, do not need to be adjusted, and the dental implants make sure that your mouth changes a lot less than if the teeth are just missing and are not replaced in any way shape or form.

All-on-4 or All-on-6
The way these dental implant supported overdentures work is that at first, either 4 or 6 dental implants are inserted into the mouth. Usually, 4 dental implants are enough, but as people come in various shapes and sizes, sometimes 6 dental implants per arch are needed to stabilise the denture. The dental implants are drilled into the jawbone in the same way they always are, and a click bar or an O-ring is placed on top of them using a special abutment. The overdentures that are then made also have an abutment that allows them to click onto the click bar or the O-ring. This way the overdentures are mechanically fastened to the dental implants and the abutments, and will only be removed if and when you want them to be.
Dental implant supported overdenture: more economical in the long run
Although getting this kind of tooth replacement is much more expensive than getting standard dentures, in the long run they are usually much more worth it. Getting your dentures adjusted every few months costs money and time, not to mention the fact that regular dentures tend to get lost, misplaced and badly treated if they are removable, which means that they will have a much shorter lifespan. And getting an all on 4, or an all on 6, as they are called is still much cheaper than getting a dental implant for every single missing tooth you have, but will have essentially the same effect. Call one of our expert dentists, and see what can be done to stabilise your denture today.
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