Finally! Standard Cab Fare Has Come To Budapest

A big issue that patients face when calculating how much money a treatment abroad will actually call them is the question of how long will we stay there, and how much will it cost? Accommodations are pretty straight forward, but more money was spent because of unforeseen expenses like lunch out, a cute dress at a low low price, mini bar expenses, and many other ways to spend your money may rear their head. There is at least one expenditure though, that Budapest, the dental tourism capital of the world, has finally regulated so no unforeseen expenses are introduced.


Regulating The Cabs

Taxi cabs are now regulated in Budapest! This means that all of the cabs have to charge you the same fee per kilometer, no matter what, and they all have the same yellow exterior as the good old NYC taxi cabs. If you have ever been to Budapest, you may finds this extremely hard to believe. But yes, the government did get this done, despite massive protests and a bridge being locked down by angry cab drivers. Don’t get me wrong, hyena cabs are still available, and you can still ride in them, but no, there is also a regulated option, to make sure you are not getting ripped off.

You see, in the past, you got in a cab and a 12-13 kilometer excursion could cost you 3000 forint, or maybe even 6000, and that is a big difference. Competition got way out of hand, and then some genius decided to go for the lowest possible cost, with cab drivers being the victims. So the government did the right thing, and stepped in and regulated.

This is great news for medical tourists,a s the once chaotic and completely undeterminable amount spent on taxi fares has now become just another easy calculation! Safe and reliable, just check the government controlled taxi fares, and see how far you will be travelling and voilá! You have the price you will be spending on cab fare!

image: 1. 

Price: Free

Special dental offer for those who decide to travel!

The offer is valid until 31st of December, 2019.

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