While it is known to the majority of patients in need of dental work that getting dental implant surgery abroad is a much cheaper option, many patients wonder, what about the crown?
The dental implant is just part of getting a complete tooth replacement, as a dental implant is basically just an artificial tooth root. But what about the visible portion of your tooth replacement, the crown? Many times, you will either have to go back to the country of origin, and get it done, but how does that work?A crown takes at least 5-6 business days to be completed, impressions need to be taken, and the material for the crown needs to be baked in an oven, etc.Do you really need to take possibly 2 weeks of vacation time off just to get a crown done?
There are several solutions. We at Forest and Ray dental practice offer one that is easy to understand, very transparent, and requires just one visit abroad.
We are in the unique and fortunate situation to own a dental practice in central London. This way, we can offer consultations and aftercare in London, so you will not need to travel to Budapest every time you need to see your dentist. What we can offer is to have your impression taken in London, and have the crown made in Budapest, where you will have to travel for a handover. The crown, if it is given in Budapest, will be at Budapest prices, which are much more favorable than what we can offer at a dental practice in London.
There are several things to consider. First off, you will need to have the crown inserted in Budapest in order to have the Budapest price. This may not be worth it for just a single crown, but for bridge work, or several crowns in different locations in the mouth, it is definitely recommended. The second thing to note is that while a week will not be spent in Budapest, you will have to stay at least 48 hours. This is the only way your dentist can make sure that the product that you have received is what you expected, and that the size, color and shape is to your liking. This is the only way that they can guarantee that the work they have performed is good enough, and for issues of quality control, which first and foremost are a benefit to the patient. But perhaps staying just one night, especially as it can be done on a weekend, is not such a big deal, especially as this extra night is being spent in the name of safety.
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Special dental offer for those who decide to travel!
The offer is valid until 31st of December, 2019.