Getting Orthodontics Abroad

Orthodontic treatment requires a visit to your orthodontist every six weeks or so, for an activation session, where the brace or device used to cure your malocclusion will be tightened. Of course, as with all other forms of dentistry, the price of orthodontics is much cheaper abroad than it is in the UK. The question is, is it worth getting the devices abroad? Let’s take a look, shall we?



The pros of getting your orthodontics done abroad is the price, first and foremost. You may be saving up to a smuch as 70% off of your orthodontic device when you get them done in a country with lower health care prices. By choosing and finding the right clinic, you also make sure that you are not getting gypped on the quality either. The braces will be of the same make and the same brands that you would be getting at home, too.


First of all, you have to make sure that the dentist who is putting on the braces has taken an impression and has made your study model already, and that the dentist is ready with your braces. This presupposes that you have already had a consultation session with the aforementioned dentist, and that the impression has already been taken.

Also, how will activations be take care of? Unless you are willing to travel to the foreign country where the orthodontist who put the braces on resides, you will be faced with a problem, as every 6-8 weeks your braces need to be tightened, or otherwise they serve no other purpose, except perhaps an aesthetic one.


There are more than one ways to bridge this problem, and we at Forest and Ray have found a good system for orthodontry. First off, you will have a consultation session in London, at our Bloomsbury dental practice. There, a price will be given, travel and accommodations and everything else will be booked over the phone with our friendly customer care staff. The next step is to come to Budapest, in our case, and have the braces put on your teeth. Once this is done, you will be asked to wait a couple of days to make sure that everything is working according to plan. When the waiting period is up, you can then leave, and in 6 weeks, come to our London dental practice for your activation sessions!

The price in this case is also much cheaper than would be if you were to pay for the whole thing at the prices designated in London, but since the activations will be taking place in London, and most people tend to pay for their braces in installments, it will not be as cheap as getting the whole thing done in Budapest.  


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The offer is valid until 31st of December, 2019.

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