The easiest way to achieve a Hollywood smile is to go and get dental veneers. These thin little strips of porcelain are permanently attached to your teeth to give the impression of the smile you have always wanted. They are adhered to your teeth and do not come off, and they can change any aspect of your smile. The teeth underneath the veneers will be shaped to house them, and so you will need to wear veneers from the time you get them onwards.

By choosing the colour off of a colour wheel, you can get your teeth exactly the shade you want them to be. The veneers will be any colour of your choosing, and will be placed over your existing teeth, so that only the veneers are visible. We recommend not going to much outside of your natural shade, as it may produce an unnatural effect that may not be attractive.
By filing down your existing teeth and placing a veneer over it, any size of tooth can be achieved. If your front teeth are too big for your liking, or if some teeth are too small, then you can change by putting on a veneer that is exactly the size you want it to be, and filing the existing tooth back so that it goes under the veneer.
Veneers can change the way individual teeth are shaped. You can get whatever shaped dental veneers you like, and get them to cover your teeth. This way you can have the teeth spaced as far apart and in the shape that you deem to be perfect, as the veneers will cover your existing teeth and they can look any way you choose.
The process of getting veneers
Getting veneers is a permanent solution, and cannot be reversed. This means you will have several consultation sessions and try-ons before the final veneers are placed on your teeth, to make sure that you will get the look that you are really going for. Come in and have a consultation with one of our dentists today, and see if dental veneers are right for you!
Special dental offer for those who decide to travel!
The offer is valid until 31st of December, 2019.