Where To Go For Dental Tourism

When looking for a place to have a dental procedure done, you will be faced with many different options. Where you will be going should be dependant on what sort of treatment you will be getting, where you are departing from, and how much you are looking to save, and of course, what sort of procedure you are thinking of getting.


Location, location, location

The most common places to visit for dental treatment abroad are India, Turkey, Eastern Europe, the Philippines, and on occasion, Western Europe. Where you are leaving from should be one of the most crucial aspects, as air fare to a closeby country will end up costing much less than a dental holiday to a country halfway across the world. That is why visitors from Australia usually go to the Philippines or India when getting their dental treatment abroad. UK residents, as well as Western Europeans usually travel to Eastern Europe to get their dental work done, with some Englishmen and Americans occasionally opting to go to Western Europe, but usually only in cases where the treatment proposed is very complicated and needs several steps or highly specific sort of equipment or facilities. But regardless of where they go, it cannot be denied that location is the most common factor in determining where patients will go and spend their hard earned money. 

Types of Treatment

Whereas in the past a richer country would often have better access to education and thus doctors who are more skilled in their given field, this is less and less true as time progresses. Most Indian doctors study in Britain or America and thus have access to the most highly funded and well stocked colleges on Earth. Eastern Europeans, especially Hungarians, have some of the best medical schools and practices, and a degree from an Eastern European Medical school is pretty much a guarantee for a job in any part of the globe. The same can be said for Turkey as well, which is a rapidly developing country, and one that is well ahead of it’s game in terms of medical and dental tourism. 



Depending on the type of treatment, and how much you would save, it may be worth it to travel to a farther away location, as the airfare can come back several fold, in the case of complex and many faceted dental procedures. Southeast Asia is by far the cheapest location to go to, with the Philippines being the number one target area for that region. Turkey and Eastern Europe are tied pricewise, with Eastern European countries receiving marginally more European patients because of its proximity to mainland European countries, and hence smaller airfares. The dental tourism to Western Europe is not significant, but is all the more specific in its clientele.


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