Cosmetic Dentistry in Hungary Implant Dentistry Abroad
Cosmetic dentistry Budapest
We realize that dentistry can be very expensive and many people can simply not afford to have implants, veneers or porcelain crowns. However there are places in Europe, Hungary being one of the most popular destinations, where you can get high quality cosmetic dentistry budapest services for the fraction of the price you would have to pay in other countries.

We would like to offer you top quality, Cosmetic dentistry treatments in Budapest which won’t cost a fortune. Whatever service you need: dental implants, crowns, teeth whitening or veneers abroad, we can do them in our clinics in our cosmetic dentistry Budapest, Hungary, as good as top dentists in the Western-Europe countries but for much less than you would have to pay elsewhere.
The location of our private dental centre in cosmetic dentistry Budapest, Hungary allows us to be up to 75% cheaper than surgeries in other countries.
This means you can save thousands of pounds on most treatments like implants or bridges even after travel costs as we do not compromise on quality. Our dentists are highly qualified professionals, with years of domestic and international experience. They only use world class materials.
Travelling abroad for dental treatment is not a risky trip to the unknown any more as many now know about the cheapness of cosmetic dentistry Budapest. We are sure to make it simpler for you, safer and more affordable than any other provider in the market.
How long do I have to stay in Budapest?
If you choose to take our Budapest dental treatment, then the dentist's work in Budapest needs two appointments. This treatment normally takes around 5-6 working days to complete; after you have had your second appointment in our Budapest dental clinic, you are free to fly home at any time that you like.
What is cosmetic dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry involves numerous procedures that our dental professionals will be carrying out on you or a member of your family, with the aim of improving the overall appearance of your smile and the way your teeth look. A beautiful smile can have numerous good effects on an individual's self-confidence, and can also sometimes help enhance personal relationships and even help towards greater career opportunities. An attractive appearance starts with perfect teeth.
Cosmetic dentistry in Budapest
The most well-known common cosmetic dental treatments that are undertaken by dentists include the following:
How are my dental bridges made:
Step 1
Preparation of teeth on either side of the gap (removing any areas of the abutments depending on the crown)
Step 2
An impression of your mouth will be taken, which will be used in the laboratory to produce the false teeth and crowns. A temporary bridge will be placed in until the next visit; this protects the teeth and gums of your mouth.
Step 3
Your temporary bridge will be removed and the permanent bridge will be fitted and adjusted for any bite discrepancies that we may find, and then it will be cemented.
Affordable dental crowns in Hungary
A dental crown is a simple tooth-shaped "cap" which is placed over a tooth, as a covering, in order to restore its shape, size and strength, and/or to make its appearance more attractive in the eyes of other people.
Crowns can be made to fit more exactly than other prosthetic devices because they are fabricated "indirectly" (made outside the mouth), and therefore they are free of the encumbrances of saliva and blood found in the mouth when undertaking remedial dentistry. The dentist also has the advantage of not having to work in a confined space, as is the case with restorative materials placed "directly" inside the mouth. With regard to marginal adaptations, the seal around the circumference of the crown, which keeps out bacteria, anatomically corrects the contacts with abutting adjacent teeth properly so that food will not be trapped inside any gaps, and provides proper morphology, so that the quality of indirect fabrications is unrivalled.
In many cases involving dental crowns, a temporary crown is placed on the tooth, and then the patient can then carry on with his or her life until the permanent crown is ready to be fitted. The materials that are used for the permanent crown are usually porcelain, gold, or porcelain fused to metal, according to the suitability for the job. This crown will then replace the missing tooth structure.
How long do I have to stay in Budapest?
After your first consultation in our Budapest dental practice, the actual work in Budapest needs two appointments.
First, your dentist in Budapest will grind the damaged part of your tooth and clean it under local anaesthetic. As a second step, an impression of your tooth will be made and sent to a dental laboratory. While your dental crown is being prepared, you will be required to wear a temporary dental crown.
The dentist will contact you once the permanent dental crown is ready, and invite you to the dental clinic for a second appointment. If you are happy with the dental crown, the dentist will cement it to your tooth.
One day after your second appointment, you can fly home.
With good dental hygiene, dental crowns will protect your teeth for 10-15 years.
What are veneers?
All of our veneers are made out of either thin porcelain, ceramic or composite laminates that are placed over chipped or even discoloured teeth. Veneers can play an aesthetic and also a protective role, if the teeth are not very strong under any amount of pressure that you put them under. Veneers protect the main damaged surfaces of your teeth, as well as giving your smile a perfect appearance at all times.
There are two main types of material that are used to fabricate your veneer: these are composite and also dental porcelain. The main difference between the two types of materials lies in the way in which the additions are placed onto the teeth as extra parts of your teeth, and also in their lifespan. A composite veneer can be directly placed and built up in the mouth or even indirectly fabricated outside of the mouth by a dental technician in one of the numerous dental laboratories. After the veneers are produced, they are then placed and bonded onto the tooth, using resin cement.
Typical porcelain veneers usually last 5-10 years, while the composite veneers need to be changed after 1-2 years.
How many appointments do I need ?
The dentist will need you to have two appointments to complete the work. You will be provided with your very own personal dental treatment plan during your first consultation. One of the first steps in your treatment will be to grind your teeth: we will make sure that the surface of the area where the veneers are being placed is nice and clean. The dentist will take a part of your enamel from your teeth which will be the size of your veneer, so that we can produce an impression of the tooth. We will place a protective temporary veneer onto your tooth while we are in the process of making your new ones.
During your second appointment, you will try on the new permanent veneers to see how they fit. Once you are satisfied with the size and shape of your new veneers, the dentist will remove the temporary veneers and clean your teeth again. Permanent veneers will be cemented to your teeth and polished.
One day after your second appointment, you can fly home.
Top 7 questions about veeners
1. How long does it take?
The procedure takes only two visits, of several hours each.
Will it hurt?
No. There should be no feeling of discomfort during the procedure. After the first visit it may happen that you will experience a slight degree of discomfort, but nothing that cannot be handled with an ordinary Aspirin or Tylenol.
3. How will my teeth look between the two visits?
After the first visit all the preparatory work is done, and therefore after the first session your teeth will be very close to the final look. Furthermore, in the case of veneers there is no healing time, as in other cosmetic dental treatments.
4. If only my upper or lower teeth would be done, won't they look obviously different?
A lot depends on your smile, and on how much you show of the teeth when you smile. In cases where the lower teeth are more visible, whitening is usually enough to handle the contrast. In some situations, both upper and lower teeth need to be done. Some patients, who wanted a complete change of their smile, had both their upper and lower teeth done.
5. Are there any risks to tooth structure?
In general, no. However, as is the case with all dental treatments, cosmetic or otherwise, there may be exceptions. This procedure cannot be reversed. However, only half a millimetre, or even less, is removed to provide enough space to fit the veneers onto the teeth. This is a lot less than is the case with other caps or crowns. A porcelain veneer is very strong, so it does protect the treated area well.
6. Does the veneer protect my tooth from decay?
Unfortunately, no. The veneer will not decay under any circumstances, but the tooth itself and the surrounding teeth are prone to decay in the same way as usual. Good oral hygiene is the best and only protection against any decay.
7. How long will a veneer last?
Typical porcelain veneers usually last 5-10 years; composite veneers need to be changed after 1-2 years. That is the same time that a crown will last; however, we have many patients with crowns that are decades old.
Special dental offer for those who decide to travel and would like to stay in Budapest!
The offer is valid until 31st of December, 2019.
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Before after
Name: Stella
Age: 43
Treatment: Bad front teeth, bad oral hygiene
Stella wanted to change her life with a healthier smile. She had the feeling that she is being looked at in a weird manner because of her teeth. She was afraid of missing even though she is a generally happy person.
This is why she called Forest & Ray and came for a consultation, because she heard from a friend that they provide a good price value treatment. In only 4 appointments her she got a completely new smile and saved some pounds for the summer vacation