Dentistry News

Travel Insurance For The Medical Tourist

Travel Insurance For The Medical Tourist

When thinking about medical tourism and of going abroad for any sort of medical service, we rarely think of getting ourselves insured for the road. Usually, just normal insurances are made, regular traveler’s insurances, protecting valuables, paying for bills if food poisoning or a stabbing happens, but nothing that actually touches on the subject of travel.

Medical Tourism Myths pt. 2

Medical Tourism Myths pt. 2

Even despite the fact that this industry is one of the most transparent ones (just try and get info on mining or lumber!), and has one of the largest internet presences, it remains a mysterious and sometimes downright shady industry in the eyes of many people. This is largely due to the negative comments and misinformation that is being spread by the people on the internet.

Finally! Standard Cab Fare Has Come To Budapest

Finally! Standard Cab Fare Has Come To Budapest

A big issue that patients face when calculating how much money a treatment abroad will actually call them is the question of how long will we stay there, and how much will it cost? Accommodations are pretty straight forward, but more money was spent because of unforeseen expenses like lunch out, a cute dress at a low low price, mini bar expenses, and many other ways to spend your money may rear their head. There is at least one expenditure though, that Budapest, the dental tourism capital of the world, has finally regulated so no unforeseen expenses are introduced.

Medical Tourism Myths pt. 1

Medical Tourism Myths pt. 1

Even despite the fact that this industry is one of the most transparent ones (just try and get info on mining or lumber!), and has one of the largest internet presences, it remains a mysterious and sometimes downright shady industry in the eyes of many people. This is largely due to the negative comments and misinformation that is being spread by the people on the internet.



Despite what some websites may tell you, regulations and more importantly, proper regulations are a central question among people in the medical tourism industry, and clinicians scramble to fulfill international standards as well as local ones.