A trip to the dentist might not be everybody’s idea of a holiday, but a dental holiday organized by Forest & Ray’s Budapest Dental Clinic will save you a bundle. Any dental treatment which is available at home can be done in our state-of-the-art clinic in Budapest --and for much less. However, to make your dental holiday really pay off, it makes sense that it is a comprehensive treatment or series of treatments. Most visitors take advantage of our expertise for a wide variety of treatments.

Procedures Available At Forest & Ray - Budapest
There was a time when dental holiday meant mainly implants. No more. We provide a full menu of treatments. These include highly desirable procedures such as dental implants, crowns, and bridges (prosthetic devices implanted to cover a damaged tooth or missing teeth), endodontics (such as root canal treatments) and other cosmetic dental procedures. We also perform dental surgeries ranging from a simple tooth extraction to a more complex osteotomy. Did you know that since Budapest is such an inexpensive city and because of the low, discount airfares to this centrally located city, patients are even coming to us for braces and simpler treatments that they wouldn’t ordinarily consider?
Save On All Procedures Whether Complex Or Simple
Many patients who come to us for some of the more complex treatments described above also take advantage of other basic yet important dental procedures. And why not? While here with us in Budapest consider dental hygiene procedures such as scaling or tending to cavities and loose fillings. Speaking of fillings, while in town, consider removing old, ugly fillings for attractive aesthetic ones. Your wallet will thank you for adding these to your treatment schedule. You can choose to bank your savings or splurge by extending your holiday in the “Paris of the East.”

Price Not The Only Factor
Choosing the right dentist is of the utmost importance, both in terms of the service you receive and the cost of treatment. Due to our low operating costs in Hungary, Forest & Ray Dental can provide its services at half or even a third of the cost of overseas treatments without compromising on quality. And, unlike other health service providers, there is no queueing or waiting at Forest & Ray. Because this is so, think of us for spur-of-the-moment dental emergencies whilst in town.
In short, Forest & Ray Dental Clinic in Budapest can offer you quality dental work on any procedure you are considering at home—and an awesome dental holiday—at a price which makes that long dreamed of smile a reality. Contact us today!
Special dental offer for those who decide to travel!
The offer is valid until 31st of December, 2019.