Dentistry News

Filing A Lawsuit

Filing A Lawsuit

Many people stay away from the idea of medical tourism because of ill conceived notions, and they usually do not even bother to fact check to make sure that what they assume is real or not. One of the most common assumptions is that you will have to wing it, and you have no legal back up what so ever when getting the procedure.

Patients Beyond Borders

Patients Beyond Borders

More and more organizations are springing up around the globe that cater to the rising demand for medical travel. Some of them approach this need from the angle of a travel agency, others seem to think that they can work essentially like an overseas patient organizers, but very few of them approach this issue from the point of view of medical professionals.

Gum Grafts Abroad

Gum Grafts Abroad

One of the many treatments that you can get abroad is a gum graft. Gum grafts abroad are cheaper and just as reliable as a gum graft done at home, as gum grafts are by now a routine surgery, even if they are quite invasive. A gum graft is a periodontal surgery procedure, in which ugm material is grafted on to the exposed roots of teeth to cover them up.

Dental Travel Advice For The Stay At Home

Dental Travel Advice For The Stay At Home

Dental tourism, and medical tourism in general was set up to entice people with middle income to travel abroad and seek medical services for less money.

Why Google Health Is A Failure

Why Google Health Is A Failure

If you are looking for treatment, and are using Google Health or Microsoft HealthVault, you should stop. These methods have been proven to be miserable failures. Aside from that, Google Health called it quits in January 2013, so you will not be able to. But many other companies are thinking of breaking into the medical tourism market via the Electronic Health Registry, and there will definitely be follow ups. When and if they come around, don’t use those either. Here is why EHRs are a complete misunderstanding, and are doomed to failure.