Dentistry News

Things To Do In Budapest During The Winter

Things To Do In Budapest During The Winter

This year has been a real disappointment for winter weather lovers in Budapest. The temperature has been way above freezing, and there has been no snow, no ice, just tons and tons of fog.

The 4 Metro

The 4 Metro

Finally it seems that Metro 4 is going to be handed over to the public this year!In the city of Budapest, the Metro 4 has become a running gag, a symbol of getting nothing done, the very mention of it has become simultaneous with procrastination and of doing a half assed job. But now, that has all changed, and it seems that FIDESZ is going to take the credit for building the metroline that was started in the middle of the 90s.

Practical Considerations When Traveling To Budapest

Practical Considerations When Traveling To Budapest

Budapest is the most popular destination for dental tourism in Europe, and is one of the most popular destinations in the world. Chances are, if you are thinking of getting dental treatment abroad, you will be considering Budapest, and it is more than likely that you will end up visiting the City Of Bridges at one point or another. Here are some practical things to consider when you are here.

Cultural Differences Revisited

Cultural Differences Revisited

While I have recently written an article about cultural differences that is available on this website, this topic keeps on coming up again and again. Recently, I was watching some British reality television, and stumbled upon a few shows that deal with botched cosmetic surgeries that were performed abroad, and then needed to be corrected by surgeons in Britain.

Employer Sponsored Medical Tourism

Employer Sponsored Medical Tourism

Although saving money is the most important motivation behind choosing medical tourism as an option for health care, few employers are even willing to consider the option. The topic of employer sponsored health care is enough to cause considerable debate, but the prospect of sending employees abroad for medical services seems to be out of the question for most employers.