Dentistry News

Where To Hike In Budapest

Where To Hike In Budapest

Budapest is one of the greenest cities in the EU, and one of the greenest in the world. This means that there are plenty of places to go hiking in or around the city, and a lot of places to see that are surrounded by trees. Budapest is in the fortunate situation to have some wild lands directly within its borders, and to be where three national parks meet, some of them spilling over into its territory, while others just flanking it. In this article I wish to speak a little about the green spaces within the city where you can for a hike and enjoy nature in its fullest. Read on for some exclusive locations!

The Illustrious 5th District

The Illustrious 5th District

Every city, every town has a downtown, and a district that is loved by tourists and looked down upon by locals. This is the district that has the museums, the Potemkin of a historical city, and is necessarily out of touch with the living districts; this district is for the sightseers, the tourists, the visitors, and it tends to show the best side of a city.

World Press Photo Exhibit

World Press Photo Exhibit

Hungary has long been known as one of the birth places of photography, and has been at the forefront of this art form since the very beginning. Small wonder that Budapest is the home of the World Press Photo Exhibit, which is called WorldPress.

Jazz Events In Budapest

Jazz Events In Budapest

he wary traveller may see signs for operas, theatre and ballet all over the city, and can thus get a sense that this city does have a reservoir of refined culture. But what of jazz events?

Train Terminals In Hungary

Train Terminals In Hungary

The recent refugee crisis has bought a lot of attention to Hungary, where a massive mishandling of migrants has taken place. All over the world, television screens were filled with scenes of crowded train terminals in Keleti and Nyugati railroad stations. These train stations are some of the most beautiful in the world, and are marvelled at even when not the site of a humanitarian crisis.